Schlagwort-Archive: transfer project

History@SFB | ‘Production of Migration’ – International conference and inauguration of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1604

[German Version]

From October 23 to 25, 2024, the Collaborative Research Centre 1604, “Production of Migration,” launched in April, brought together migration researchers from all over the world for its international inauguration conference. Lectures, discussions, and working sessions focused on how a reflexive perspective on the production of the meaning of migration in societies—not least through the actor of science—can be further developed and operationalized.

Panel and discussions with international guests

The program also included the teams from sub-project A3,”‘You are Guest Worker Children!’ Science, School and the Production of Figures of Migration” (Figures of Migration cluster), and the transfer project “Reflexive Migration Research in the Museum. Potentials and Perspectives of Virtual Realities“.

SFB 1604

After the opening panel discussion, the first day of the conference began with a section on the production of figures of migration, in which Prof. Dr. Catherine Ramírez from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Prof. Dr. Karen Phalet from the University of Leuven discussed questions, approaches, and observations from the seemingly distant disciplines of cultural studies and social psychology. Moderated by Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass, the discussion focused on the question of how societies create exclusionary inclusion and how this phenomenon can be better understood from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Karen Phalet and Catherine Ramirez in conversation with Christoph Rass (Photos: SFB 1604).

Project presentation on the transfer project

In the afternoon, Annika Heyen, Prof. Dr. Michael Brinkmeier, and Christoph Rass presented the first details of the transfer project, which is dedicated to building a bridge between social practice and scientific examination of the production of migration with the help of VR applications. The idea is to enable digital interventions to produce the representation of “migration” in exhibitions and public space and to redistribute the agency to negotiate such narratives.

On the main stage of the conference, Annika Heyen, coordinator of the T-Project, together with Michael Brinkmeier and Christoph Rass, was able to provide insights into the aims of their work and, at the same time demonstrate in practical terms how migration research, computer science, museums, and civil society actors work together on an interdisciplinary basis to implement the project. Christoph Rass explained the concept of the project and the challenges the team faces in practice. Michael Brinkmeier demonstrated the technical processes behind the visible surfaces and gave a guided tour of the two prototypes; in the case of the transformed Peace Hall module, he even streamed from the VR goggles onto the big screen.

Throughout the conference, Michael Brinkmeier and Thorsten Kirmess, cooperation partners of the SFB from the Institute of Computer Science at UOS, offered conference participants the opportunity to explore the first prototypes of the Place Changer and the Exhibition Builder on the screen or – for the more adventurous – via VR goggles.

Our colleague Lydia Reckers also explored the prototypes using VR glasses. Thorsten Kirmess from the Didactics of Computer Science showed her the controls (photo Jessica Wehner).

For the Place Changer, the Team T project replaced the portraits of the envoys from 1648 with portraits of victims of racist violence since 1945 in the virtual model of the Osnabrück Peace Hall. This change to a place symbolizing a universally conceived peace and a source of identity for Osnabrück as a city of peace was intended to encourage people to reflect on the conditions for peaceful coexistence in the past and present.

For the Exhibition Builder module, a virtual exhibition space was created in two different versions with the support of our external application partner DOMiD (Documentation Center and Museum on Immigration in Germany). Both versions showed the same objects, many of them from the DOMiD exhibition “Much experienced, much achieved – still much to do?”. VR allows the use of the same media content and objects to show two different exhibitions in parallel, each representing different narratives. At the same time, visitors can change the arrangement of the exhibition content at any time and thus introduce their own perspectives into the narrative – creating yet another new exhibition. In this way, narratives about migration and diversity remain contingent and multi-perspective.

Workshop: “Production of figures”

On the second day of the conference, the participants were divided into a series of parallel workshops in which the sub-projects worked with specifically invited critical friends to develop their concepts and implementation further. The sub-projects A1 (Prof. Dr. Julia Becker), A2 (Prof. Dr. Aladin El-Mafalaani), and A3 (Prof. Dr. Lale Yildirim & Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass) formed a group so that the transfer project could also be discussed, in which the PIs from these three sub-projects of the A-Cluster (Figures of Migration) came together

Karen Phalet arrived as a critical friend for the A1 project “The Production of ‘Others’: (De)Thematizing Migration-Related Difference“, led by Julia Becker and carried out by Judith Masselmann and Katherina Hildebrand. The discussion with her focused primarily on the conceptualization of the various diversity strategies that take into account knowledge or awareness (or, conversely, ignorance and denial) of existing power relations and should not be limited to the extent to which difference is de-/thematized. Different goals are pursued during the discussion with the (strategic and situation-dependent) use of specific diversity strategies. However, the effect of these can unfold differently between individuals and contrary to the underlying intentions.

With their critical friend Prof. Dr. Mai-Anh Boger from the University of Koblenz, Aladin El-Mafaalani and Isabell Diekmann from the A2 project “The Production of the Discriminated in Antiracist Movements” discussed the categories and figures for the sampling processes for data collection (e.g., activist, politically committed person, etc.) as well as group dynamics and, in connection with this, different roles within collectives, for example about “opinion leaders”, representation in the media, etc. Ethical questions about sampling and the anonymization process played a role here, as well as how the roles of different people in the collectives are related to biographical circumstances. The project members took away from the discussion that they should deal more specifically with the context of German society and reflect more strongly on the fact that the term “activist”, for example, can have a different history and meaning in the national context than elsewhere.

Catherine Ramírez from the University of California in Santa Cruz advised the A3 project “‘You are guest worker children! Science, school and the production of figures of migration”. The discussion focused on migrantizing terms such as “foreigner children”, “migrant children” or “guest worker children” and their production in educational science discourses from the 1960s to the 2010s. In response to Ahmet Celikten’s and Maik Hoops’ remarks, Catherine Ramírez pointed out that similar discussions and categorization processes, such as those that were and still are conducted in the Federal Republic of Germany, also characterize the US discourse on so-called “Mexicans”, for example – a label that has also been used for generations to migrate people and question their belonging to the society in which they are rooted. With a view to comparable phenomena in the USA, Ramírez recommended incorporating experiences from other societies and the interdisciplinary research dealing with them into the conceptual considerations of the sub-project.

The discussion of the transfer project focused primarily on the question of how the concepts previously only tested in the project workshop can be brought into the field in such a way that agency is shifted in the sense of “community curating”. The Critical Friends from the Wing Luke Museum in Seattle, Diane Doan Hoang Dy and Han Eckelberg, advised that the workshops should consistently adapt to the pace and needs of those who chose to tell their stories in the project to shape the Exhibition Builder and the Place Changer.

Both saw the project’s great strength in the fact that migrant perspectives can be made visible as facets of larger social processes. Thus, the transfer project provides impulses for the renegotiation or production of the multidirectional self-image of a migration society, which is made up of many experiences, memories, and identities.

After the conference and workshops, the SFB 1604 team will return to their work in the sub-projects with many suggestions and valuable tips with a view to the major goal of deciphering the social production of migration as a complexly interpreted social reality.