Between October 28th and 30th, the Department of Modern History and Historical Migration Research/ Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) will host the international conference “Labeling and the Management of Displacement. Current Research on ‘Displaced Persons’ and ‘Heimatlose Ausländer’ in the Aftermath of World War II” at Osnabrück University. The conference is the 5th Conference of the Displaced Persons Research Network.
The year 2021 marks the 70th anniversary of the „Gesetz über die Rechtsstellung heimatloser Ausländer im Bundesgebiet“ (“Law on the Legal Status of Homeless Aliens in the Federal Territory”), with which the Federal German legislature “relabeled” those “Displaced Persons” in 1951 who had not previously been repatriated or resettled abroad, stayed in Germany and eventually had to be integrated into German society as “Heimatlose Ausländer”. While the new law caused heated debates in German society and in the just established German Bundestag in the early 1950s, the story of the so-called “Heimatlose Ausländer” has since largely disappeared from public consciousness. To revisit this consequence of forced migration, the conference is put under the theme “Labeling and the management of displacement – current research on ‘displaced persons’ and ‘Heimatlose Ausländer’ in the aftermath of World War II”.

The event will be streamed online. Guests are very welcome and can take part in the panels and in the discussion using the following link:
This is the program and timetable (CET) of the event:

For further information about the event and the participants see conference webpage: